關於我們 About Company


shih shin is well established in 1986, we are a manufacturer specialized in AC/DC SOLENOID.Our products have been exported to Japan, America, Southeast Asian countries through worldwide distributors. Combining teamwork of our experienced engineers, computer analysis tools and CAD/CAM, we can efficiently complete the designing within a very short period. Moreover, with the help of highly automated production line, i.e., automatic wiring, assembling and testing machines, our productivity can doubtlessly fulfill the great demand from the market. All our products have to be passed through the strictest quality control before delivery.

The characteristic, quality, reliability and feasibility of each item is repeatedly tested during design and processing stage for a better performance. A Statistic QC System therefore is introduced during production to assure the best possible output. We also offer ODM/OEM service. Excellent quality, reliable techniprcal background, plus competitive price and service, we are the right one who really deserves you to trust.

世僖科技股份有限公司成立於 1986 年 , 專業製造電磁鐵 solenoid, solenoids, AC 矽鋼片電磁鐵 AC solenoid, 直流式電磁鐵 DC solenoid, 電磁閥 , solenoid valve, 吸盤式電磁鐵 electromagnet, 電磁線圈 solenoid coil,電磁吸鐵,螺線管…等。為業界值得信賴的專業製造商。

產品外銷全球各地 , 可應用於自動控制設備的電子電機零件 , 電子鎖 , 玩具 , 遊戲機 , 辦公設備 , 販賣機 , 家電 , 汽車零件 , 收銀機 , 錢箱 , 打卡鐘 , 紡織機 , 繡花機…。

除此之外,本公司為服務更多客戶組群 !

擁有先進的精密設備、經驗豐富的工程師群及不斷擴充的產能 ! 本公司也提供 ODM / OEM 的服務。不論是大批量生產或是特殊客製品我們均能在極短的時間內為您完成精良的設計,提供優良品質,具競爭性價格,快速交期及最好的服務。





以價格回饋客戶支持 的信念, 世僖誠摯為您服務!


電話TEL : +886-4-7872556

傳真FAX : +886-4-7872568

信箱E-Mail : jeffrey@solenoids.com.tw

地址Address :彰化縣花壇鄉長昇街166號之1

No.166-1, Changsheng St., Huatan Township, Changhua County 503, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



Shih-Shin Solenoid is designed and manufactured with maximum power output, quiet operation, stable temperature rise and low friction action. The competitive price, high quality, soonest delivery and wide various solenoid types, as well as our ability to custom design and OEM/ODM solenoid, give our solenoid a wide range of applications. For environment protection, we also can provide the solenoid with RoHS compliance. solenoid, solenoids, solenoid valve, electromagnet, coil, ac solenoid, dc solenoid, liner solenoid, rotary solenoid, open frame solenoid, latching solenoid, bistable solenoid, tubular solenoid, push-pull solenoid, flapper solenoid, massage solenoid, gas solenoid, OEM/ODM solenoid, custom design solenoid.


Shih-Shin Solenoids are designed and manufactured with maximum power output, quiet operation, stable temperature rise and low friction action. The competitive price, high quality, soonest delivery and wide various solenoids types, as well as our ability to custom design and OEM/ODM solenoids, give our solenoids a wide range of applications. For environment protection, we also can provide the solenoids with RoHS compliance.

solenoid, solenoids, solenoids valve, electromagnet, coil, ac solenoids, dc solenoids, liner solenoids, rotary solenoids, open frame solenoids, latching solenoids, bistable solenoids, tubular solenoids, push-pull solenoids, flapper solenoids, massage solenoids, gas solenoids, OEM/ODM solenoids, custom design solenoids.

solenoid valve

Shih-Shin Solenoid valve design include normally-open solenoid valve, normally-close solenoid valve, 2- port solenoid valve, 3-port solenoid valve, solenoid valve for air, gas and water application.

Ssolenoid valve, air solenoid valve, gas solenoid valve, water solenoid valve. The competitive price, high quality, soonest delivery and wide various solenoid valve types, as well as our ability to custom design and OEM/ODM solenoid valve, give our solenoid valve a wide range of applications. For environment protection, we also can provide the solenoid valve with RoHS compliance.


Shih-Shin Electromagnet is designed and manufactured with maximum power output, quiet operation, stable temperature rise and low friction action. The high quality, competitive price, soonest delivery and wide various electromagnet types, as well as our ability to custom design and OEM/ODM electromagnet, give our electromagnet a wide range of applications. For environment protection, we also can provide the electromagnet with RoHS compliance.

electromagnet, electromagnets, dc electromagnet, electro-magnet.

solenoid manufacturer

Solenoid manufacturer “Shih-Shin”is specialized in DC solenoid, AC solenoid, linear solenoid, rotary solenoid, open frame solenoid, latching solenoid, bistable solenoid, tubular solenoid, push-pull solenoid, solenoid valve, solenoid coil and custom design solenoid manufacturing in Taiwan and China. The high quality, competitive price, soonest delivery and wide various solenoids types, as well as our ability to custom design and OEM/ODM service, give our solenoid a wide range of applications. For environment protection, we also can provide the solenoid with RoHS compliance.

DC solenoid, AC solenoid, linear solenoid, rotary solenoid, open frame solenoid, latching solenoid, bistable solenoid, tubular solenoid, push-pull solenoid, flapper solenoid, massage solenoid, solenoid valve, gas solenoid valve, water valve, solenoid coil, OEM / ODM solenoid and custom design solenoid.


專業製造AC/DC 電磁鐵,電磁吸鐵,螺線管,電磁閥,電磁線圈,常開型氣閥,常閉型洩氣閥,已有十餘年歷史,產品外銷全球各地,可應用於自動控制設備的電子電機零件,電子鎖,玩具,遊戲機,辦公設備,販賣機,家電,汽車零件,本公司可提供優良品質,具競爭性價格,快速交期及最好的服務。



專業製造AC/DC 電磁吸鐵,電磁鐵,螺線管,電磁閥,電磁線圈,常開型氣閥,常閉型洩氣閥,已有十餘年歷史,產品外銷全球各地,可應用於自動控制設備的電子電機零件,電子鎖,玩具,遊戲機,辦公設備,販賣機,家電,汽車零件,本公司可提供優良品質,具競爭性價格,快速交期及最好的服務。



專業製造電磁閥,常開型氣閥 (電磁閥),常閉型洩氣閥 (電磁閥), 瓦斯電磁閥,水閥,已有十餘年歷史,產品外銷全球各地,可應用於自動控制設備的電子電機零件,電子鎖,玩具,遊戲機,辦公設備,販賣機,家電,汽車零件,本公司可提供優良品質,具競爭性價格,快速交期及最好的服務。



專業製造 AC/DC 螺線管,電磁閥,已有十餘年歷史,產品外銷全球各地,可應用於自動控制設備的電子電機零件,電子鎖,玩具,遊戲機,辦公設備,販賣機,家電,汽車零件,本公司可提供優良品質,具競爭性價格,快速交期及最好的服務。













  1. 電話TEL: +886-4-7872556
  2. 傳真FAX : +886-4-7872568
  3. 信箱E-Mail : jeffrey@solenoids.com.tw
  4. 地址Address :彰化縣花壇鄉長昇街166號之1
  5. No.166-1, Changsheng St., Huatan Township, Changhua County 503, Taiwan (R.O.C.)